Compliance and Risk

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Our experts assist, advise, and represent our clients’ interests in a constantly evolving regulatory environment, where the documentation and management of personal data are now major issues. We also help our clients to anticipate and better understand the development of international sanctions.

Documenting the origin of wealth

We are able to assist clients with documenting their KYC profile when establishing new relationships with banks, regulators, or business partners. As a result of enhanced due diligence requirements introduced in recent years, they increasingly demand comprehensive information about the activities of beneficial owners or family members, along with detailed analysis of the source of clients’ wealth, backed up by legal, banking, and accounting documents. Enlisting the assistance of a firm like ours can help to smooth this process and ensure greater credibility.

Managing personal data

More and more information about our clients and their assets has to be disclosed to the authorities or made public. With the rising number of registers (beneficial owners, trusts, etc.), disclosure obligations (financial statements, bylaws or corporate documents), and international standards (FATCA, CRS), it is essential for our clients to keep more control over how and to whom their data is divulged. We ensure that the information and data disclosed in various jurisdictions are controlled, consistent, and only released where required by law.

Assistance with sanctions

We assist both clients who are liable to be the subject of sanctions, and professionals looking to ensure that their activities do not run the risk of breaking existing sanctions. In this area, our services include: analysing and interpreting personal or economic international sanctions, filing and following up applications for derogations from sanctions with the relevant authorities and unfreezing funds or economic resources, obtaining authorisation for economic transactions, or providing legal opinions about the enforcement of sanctions in commercial transactions.


Our team has a wealth of international expertise in this particular field, dealing regularly with cross-border matters involving multiple jurisdictions, some of which are subject to sanctions ordered by the Monegasque, Swiss, and international authorities.


To that end, we maintain close relations with foreign law firms and official bodies in various jurisdictions, enabling us to assist and advise in a wide variety of matters.

Partner in charge of this practice

Edouard Mousny
